I’ll cut to the chase, I had a lot of fun shooting Anna Rose the other day! And also (and I’ve said it before), when you work with a model who totally knows what poses work best for her, it makes my job as a photographer so damned easy!
On top of that she increased my love of wigs, and she had some astounding ones!
She responded to a last minute slot I had available and was eager to do some fun stuff with me. My reputation for fun and winging it is starting to be noticed in the small circles I currently inhabit, not that I’m complaining! I did however have one idea that I thought would work well with her, and that was to get some slightly more raw shouty attitude pics, with a ripped top or something. So the day before the shoot I headed to Primarni and picked up four vest tops in different colours, so that we could decide what colour would work best. In the end we went for green.
So that’s about it! When you have a shoot that is seriously no effort at all, and with a model who liked to have a laugh as much as yourself, it makes for a very easy day! Oh I will so be working with her again soon!
Anna Rose’s portfolio can be found on Purpleport – https://purpleport.com/portfolio/annarose/